
A Dialectally Diverse Multi-speaker Text-to-Speech System for Taiwanese Hakka

Abstract. This paper introduces VoxHakka, a text-to-speech (TTS) system designed for Taiwanese Hakka, a critically under-resourced language spoken in Taiwan. Leveraging the YourTTS framework, VoxHakka achieves high naturalness and accuracy and low real-time factor in speech synthesis while supporting six distinct Hakka dialects. This is achieved by training the model with dialect-specific data, allowing for the generation of speaker-aware Hakka speech. To address the scarcity of publicly available Hakka speech corpora, we employed a cost-effective approach utilizing a web scraping pipeline coupled with automatic speech recognition (ASR)-based data cleaning techniques. This process ensured the acquisition of a high-quality, multi-speaker, multi-dialect dataset suitable for TTS training. Subjective listening tests conducted using comparative mean opinion scores (CMOS) demonstrate that VoxHakka significantly outperforms existing publicly available Hakka TTS systems in terms of pronunciation accuracy, tone correctness, and overall naturalness. This work represents a significant advancement in Hakka language technology and provides a valuable resource for language preservation and revitalization efforts.

Text: 吾先生著新衫,去臺北市个國家音樂廳,聽音樂會

Text: 客家族群个六堆運動會會一直延續下去,為臺灣个體育史寫下特別个一頁

Text: 新竹在舊年有二十三日超過三十六度,毋知暖化个普遍同麼个有關係

Text: 大家恬聲等先生解釋,收成毋好無飯好食个時節愛仰結煞

Text: 歸條路吊等長長个花燈,祈求風調雨順,歸屋下人个心願,親像花燈下燒暖个光華